Contact Us

Please use Web Inquiry Form to send us your inquiry by email.

Please read through the FAQ before contacting us.
If you did not find information you were looking for in FAQ, please use the WebForm(Email) to send us your inquiry.

Q. I want to buy your embroidery floss? Where can I find it ?
A. COSMO embroidery floss and other notions are distributed by our worldwide distributors. Would you try contacting our distributor in your country/region?
Q. I want to import and distribute LECIEN products in my country/ region. What should I do?
A. Please enter your company information in Web Inquiry Form and send your request to us. We will reply with details to you by email.
Q. I am looking for this particular free pattern. Where can I find it?
A. LECIEN free patterns can be viewed and downloaded from the following pages.
COSMO Embroidery >>
Q. I live outside of Japan and want to buy LECIEN products directly as a consumer. Where can I buy them?
A. If you are a store owner or have a trade name, After registering as a member at the Super Delivery Export site located at the URL below, you can submit a transaction application to Lecien and place your order.